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Privacy Policy

In the course of registering for and availing various services we provide from time to time through our website (Website, Mobile Application and SMS or any other medium in which iResults.NET may provide services (collectively referred to as “Media”) you may be required to give your name, email address, phone number or mobile number, Age, educational qualifications and similar Personal Information (Collectively referred to as “Personal Information”). The Personal Information is used for two general purposes: to fulfill your requests for certain services, and to contact you about our services. Unless otherwise stated explicitly, this Policy applies to Personal Information as disclosed on any of the Media.

We are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all Personal Information that you may share as a user of Media In furtherance thereof, we have this policy to demonstrate our good faith.

This policy does not apply to the practices of organizations that we do not own or to people that we do not employ or manage.

Personal Information will be kept confidential and will be used for our research, marketing, and strategic client analysis objectives and other internal business purposes only. We do not sell or rent Personal Information except that in case you are a customer of our advertisement services through any of the Media, your Personal Information shall be shared with our subscribers/advertisers and you shall be deemed to have given consent to the same. Further, the subscribers / advertisers who are listed with us, may call you, based on the query on enquiring about any Product / Service of any subscriber / advertiser.

We will share Personal Information only under one or more of the following circumstances: – If we have your consent or deemed consent to do so – If we are compelled by law (including court orders) to do so.

In furtherance of the confidentiality with which we treat Personal Information we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

We give you the ability to edit your account information and preferences at any time, including whether you want us to contact you about new services. To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections.

You acknowledge that you are disclosing Personal Information voluntarily. Prior to the completion of any registration process on our website or prior to availing of any services offered on our website if you wish not to disclose any Personal Information you may refrain from doing so; however if you don’t provide information that is requested it is possible that the registration process would be incomplete and/or you would not be able to avail of the our services.

If you are our corporate customer, it is possible that we have entered into a contract with you for non-disclosure of confidential information. This Policy shall not affect such a contract in any manner.

If you have questions or concerns about these privacy policies; please send us an email at [email protected].

DISCLAIMER: All information on this website is provided free of cost for personal perusal only, and as such, is made available "AS IN". No claim is made about the accuracy or validity of the content on this site, or its suitability for any specific purpose whatsoever whether express or implied. Since all readers who access any information on this website are doing so voluntarily, and of their own accord, any outcome (decision or claim) of such access is understood to be their sole responsibility. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of the data on this site. will not be responsible for any errors or omission in this website and reserve the right to make changes without notice. In particular but without limiting anything here, we disclaim any responsibility for typographical errors and accuracy of the information that is contained in this site.